Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I dont know if over tired is the word.....

First off, I have to say that I love my family of four to death, but some days I wish I could pack a bag and go away for awhile. Come on, I know all you moms have thought this a day or two! 

Second, Tired does not discribe the way I feel at this moment sitting at the table. Both kids are asleep but I have no desire to walk to the bedroom, knowing that the house needs to be picked up. Ella didnt even have a bath tonight and she has been asleep since 630pm. She will be hungry sooner then 2am if I dont wake her and feed her. But I dont want to wake her cause then I dont even know if she will go back to sleep and right now there is no sound but the sound of rain hitting the ground outside and its nice.

Charlie is off working out. I dont want to sound like I am 'bitching' but the only time I get away from the kids is on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 630pm and 8pm for Class. Doesnt seem far, but Its the cards that I was delt so I deal with it. Then I think...All of those mommies who have lost their babies to anything would kill to have a moment with them again. But I still need breaks. 

Now back to breaks...I had planned on going back to work after Ella was born. It is now January and honestly have no desire to go back. Heres why;

A friend of mine had liked this Facebook page of a 5 month old baby being shaken so hard that she had to have brain surgery and was on all kinds of machines to help her live. I was appalled. Her father did this. Shaken Baby Syndrome is something I never really thought about let alone worried about. I have researched this and i am in shocked to know that 80% of the time its the Fathers that do this to these poor little babies...

But That is for another blog...I am getting off topic...what was the topic...oooohhhh being tired...

Yes; tired. Ella had shots last week and even though it did not effect her sleeping time at night, she was a totally different baby during the day. Usually she will only be fussy when she is hungry or tired...but last week she CRIED ALL DAY!!!! I was going places just so shed sleep in the car cuz I could not handle the crying. For the simple fact I had no idea if she was hurting or what. But did you know that she had four shots and those shots are actually the virus that they are trying to prevent that they shoot in thier little legs. 


Finally this week she is starting to act like her normal self again. Thank Goodness.

I am waiting for Charlie to get back to hit the hay....

A New Year, New Start; Ella's Story

Its been a while since I have blogged, so I have decided to start up again and now I am playing catch up. 

When I first started this blog, I had no intentions of having another child anytime soon. My life with Charlie; My husband and my daughter Caydence was pretty much content and we were happy.

Well when you dont practice safe sex, you get surprises. And that is what happened in March of 2012.

April 2011

Charlie and I got marrieed April 22 2011 at 2pm at the courthouse. My mom had brought Caydence down to Alabama to be able to share that experience with me. After that she never left. Finally my baby was with me. Charlie and I quickly got into a routine with her and life was good.

Feb 2012

2 months before our 1 yr we concieve our first baby together on Feb 17, 2012

March 2012

I realize that i havent started my period and decide to take a pregnancy test. Now those things sure have gotten expensive. Like 10 bucks! I def was not gonna spend that kind of money on one, cause honestly i didnt think i was pregnant. So I go dig in the .88 cent bin at walmart to look for a test and tada! I found one. Caydence and I go eat, Charlie was out of town for work, and we go home. Since this was a cheap test i didnt have to pee on it, i had to pee in a cup and drop it on the test, all while a 3 yr old is asking wat i am doing. 

So I go about my business, clean up and get cay ready for bed. I check the test.....


I honestly felt like i was having a panic attack....omg.
How wat i gonna tell charlie
was he gonna be mad
was he gonna leave me
o man o man he is gonna kill me...
I freaked out.

I told Charlie thru a TEXT MESSAGE!
YES a text message! I was so scared. 
His reply


Later in March 2012

We have our first doctors appt and found out our little baby is due Nov 9, 2012.
We got to hear the heartbeat and it was very exciting. Even though Charlie had been freaking out, he kind of mellowed out after that appt. Just a little. 

June 2012

Finally...the time to find out the sex. We had bets going that it was going to be a boy. At this point i felt i was huge and way too big to be a girl. I just felt it was gonna be a boy.
Charlie was unable to make it to this appt cause of work, but caydence was with me, she was routing for a baby sister.

As I am laying there, she is taking all the pics, making sure baby ragland is growing nice and healthy. Then she goes...you wanna know the sex?


Congrats is a GIRL

Wait, wat....no way! Secretly i was jumping up and down w joy! Another girl....yay dresses hair bows flowers and PINK

Charlie was a tad disappointed he wanted a boy.

The Name

At first the deal was if it was a girl i would name her and if it was a boy charlie would name him. Well Charlie had picked out Trapper as a boys name, i honestly loved it, it was so different and who has it???
I had picked out Addison Rebecca. 

Now since i had won the bet, i did not get my way. Charlie didnt like my girls name. He wanted to name her. Now I had to step back and really look at this. With Caydence I didnt have someone telling me wat to name her, I chose that name on my own. This time it was differeent. I needed to let him do this. 

He chose Ella Tinlee. 

Ellla after his grandmother and Tinlee he saw on a movie credit and he liked it. 

Third Trimester

September was the beginning of the third trimester. By this time, I was so ready. I had gained a lot of weight, my stomach was a lot bigger and I felt miserable. 

October 2012

We celebrated my 24th birthday on the 27th and I was kinda hoping that she would had decieded to make her appereance then. I had a drs appt the 30 and the 31st. He did a stress test and told me that I was having tiny contractions and he believed I'd go soon. He wanted to see me Nov 2.

November 2012

I went in for my appt on the 2nd (this was a friday). Had another stress test and he checked my cervix. He kept telling me if i start having contractions or my water breaks to get to the hosptial asap as my cervix was very thin and i would go fast. 

Saturday, the third, i was really upset that my doctor was going to wait until the 7th to induce me. I was over being pregnant. I felt the baby was too big, as i looked like i had ate a house. It had been a long nine months and i was so over it.

Charlie and I went to dinner at Steak and Shake at 9pm. We then went to walmart to get a pineapple. I heard it was suppose to help soften and start labor. After I took a bath, cause my restless legs, I ate some. Nothing. At midnight we decieded to go to bed. At 3am I woke up with the feeling of having to go to the bathroom. I went to the bath room and walked around the house and i  had felt crampy, but nothing too serious. i didnt think much of it cause i had pretty much felt that way the whole last couple of months. 

I went back to lay down and was up within 20 mins, feeling like i had to go to the bathroom again. I went into the bathroom and nothing. Walked around and the cramping was worse. Nothing bad tho. About an hr goes by and I have walked the house and paced.

I feel like i have to keep going to the bathroom. I go in there and I pass what i am assuming my mucus plug. I still am not really concerned. The cramping has gotten worse so i decide to take a bath. I am pacing as i am running the water. Finally the tub is full. I go to sit down and as soon as my butt hits the tub, i stand right back up. It doesnt feel right. Something is wrong. The cramping is getting intense. Looking back i still dont know why i didnt think I was in labor. 

At about 630-7am, about 4 hrs into labor, I call the labor and delivery. I am in tears. My phone wont hold service. 
I walked into our bedroom, Charlie is snoring. I walk to his side of the bed. Stop. Turn around and hurry out of the room. I pace the house, crying. Its coming in waves, less then 5 mins. Still did not think I was in labor.
Again, I walk in our room. Charlie is still snoring, unaware of me crying and pacing. I stop. Turn around and for the 2nd time hurry out of the room. What is wrong with me????
Pacing and crying, it wasnt getting me anywhere but thats what i was doing. 
Finally, I work up the nerve to go wake up Charlie. I am full blown crying now. He jumps up and helps me get dress and off we go. 

Labor and Delivery

We walk into labor and delivery about 8am and they had us wait. I remember turning to Charlie and going "What if her head is coming out, why are the taking so long?" I kept pacing, I coukdnt sit.

A nurse finally came and got me. It took me what felt like forever to walk to the room. Once in there she had me change into and gown and had me lay down to check me. I literally was not prepared for what she said.

'Im going to put you at an 8'

Huh? What?
No way!
Shes almost here!!!!!

Charlie began calling my mom and his mom to let them know.

All of a sudden people started rushing in and out, poking me and trying to calm me down.
Let me tell you. I give a high five to women who give birth with no pain meds. I was acting like a fool. Screaming and yelling. i had never felt so much discomfort and pain in my life. My contractions where coming 1-2 mins apart so i was not getting an relief. I just kept yelling for pain meds.

I tested positive for group b strep, so i had to have meds and i made sure i let them know right away, so they started me on that right away long with the fluids i had to have in order to get the epidural. I was so scared i wasnt going to be able to get the epidural. i had to wait for my blood work and they were taking forever i was in active painful labor for 2 hrs before i finally got an epidural.

Finally i had relief and i was relaxing. After the epidural, my contractions slowed, but i was still progrossing. The on call dr came and broke my water and told me that id be any min now. 
At noon she had me start prepping to push.
She asked me how big my doc thought the baby was and i told her 7.5lbs.

Her head popped out and she goes 

'Hate to break it to you, but this baby is bigger then 7.5"


I pushed for a good 15 mins and at 1236pm, she was born. 

Ella Tinlee Ragland
'9lbs2oz 20inches'

Thats a big baby! 

The birth of my second baby was a lot different then my first. I highly recommond going naturally, not induced.